Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brooke's Birthday/Lukas' Due Date

So, May 23rd finally came around and I figured that would be the day I would finally go into labor (it was after all my due date) since it was Brooke's birthday and we had a party to go to (isn't that how it is supposed to work - make plans and you will go into labor??). So, as the day progressed and I didn't, we headed out to Jungle Jim's to celebrate Brooke's 4th birthday. I have to say, I am glad that Brooke and Lukas don't have to share a birthday, although they aren't that far away regardless. So, here a some cute pics from the party. It was a lot of fun with both of my nephews and my niece there and all of Brooke's friends.

Brooke's new bike.


Christen said...

All the best birthdays are in May! :)

Colleen said...

No, all the best birthdays are in June!! Brookie looks so grown up on her big bike! What a cutie! Aren't you glad that you didn't have Lukas on her birthday! That would have made life even more complicated!

Anonymous said...

All of the pictures are so cute! Lukas is adorable and Brooke is looking like a little lady these days. They grow up so fast. Keep the pictures coming!